Relief Computation from Images of a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Interferogram Correction (bibtex)
by Clara Barbanson, Andrés Almansa, Yann Ferrec, Pascal Monasse
A method to extract digital elevation models of the ground from the images of an airborne Fourier transform spectrometer is presented. Such information allows to construct accurate interferograms in non-flat areas, where they are otherwise flawed.
Relief Computation from Images of a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Interferogram Correction (Clara Barbanson, Andrés Almansa, Yann Ferrec, Pascal Monasse), In Light, Energy and the Environment, OSA, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
	Abstract = {A method to extract digital elevation models of the ground from the images of an airborne Fourier transform spectrometer is presented. Such information allows to construct accurate interferograms in non-flat areas, where they are otherwise flawed.},
	Address = {Washington, D.C.},
	Author = {Barbanson, Clara and Almansa, Andr{\'{e}}s and Ferrec, Yann and Monasse, Pascal},
	Booktitle = {Light, Energy and the Environment},
	Doi = {10.1364/FTS.2016.FM3E.6},
	Isbn = {978-0-9600380-4-6},
	Pages = {FM3E.6},
	Publisher = {OSA},
	Title = {{Relief Computation from Images of a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Interferogram Correction}},
	Url = {},
	Year = {2016},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
	Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
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