Joint denoising and decompression using CNN regularization (bibtex)
by Mario González, Javier Preciozzi, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa
Wavelet compression schemes such as JPEG2000 may lead to very specific visual artifacts due to quantization of noisy wavelet coefficients. These artifacts have highly spatially-correlated structure, making it difficult to be removed with standard denoising algorithms. In this work, we propose a joint denoising and decompression method that combines a data-fitting term, which takes into account the quantization process, and an implicit prior learnt using a state-of-the-art denoising CNN.
Joint denoising and decompression using CNN regularization (Mario González, Javier Preciozzi, Pablo Musé, Andrés Almansa), In CVPR Workshop and Challenge on Learned Image Compression, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
	Abstract = {Wavelet compression schemes such as JPEG2000 may lead to very specific visual artifacts due to quantization of noisy wavelet coefficients. These artifacts have highly spatially-correlated structure, making it difficult to be removed with standard denoising algorithms. In this work, we propose a joint denoising and decompression method that combines a data-fitting term, which takes into account the quantization process, and an implicit prior learnt using a state-of-the-art denoising CNN.},
	Address = {Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.},
	Author = {Gonz{\'{a}}lez, Mario and Preciozzi, Javier and Mus{\'{e}}, Pablo and Almansa, Andr{\'{e}}s},
	Booktitle = {CVPR Workshop and Challenge on Learned Image Compression},
	Month = {jun},
	Pages = {2598--2601},
	Title = {{Joint denoising and decompression using CNN regularization}},
	Url = {},
	Year = {2018},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
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