Irregular to Regular Sampling, Denoising, and Deconvolution (bibtex)
by Gabriele Facciolo, Andrés Almansa, Jean-François Aujol, Vicent Caselles
We propose a restoration algorithm for band limited images that considers irregular (perturbed) sampling, denoising, and deconvolution. We explore the application of a family of regularizers that allow us to control the spectral behavior of the solution combined with the irregular to regular sampling algorithms proposed by Feichtinger, Gröchenig, Rauth, and Strohmer. Moreover, the constraints given by the image acquisition model are incorporated as a set of local constraints. The analysis of such constraints leads to an early stopping rule meant to improve the speed of the algorithm. Finally, we present experiments focused on the restoration of satellite images, where the microvibrations are responsible of the type of distortions we are considering here. We will compare results of the proposed method with previous methods and show an extension to zoom.
Irregular to Regular Sampling, Denoising, and Deconvolution (Gabriele Facciolo, Andrés Almansa, Jean-François Aujol, Vicent Caselles), In Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, SIAM, volume 7, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
	Abstract = {We propose a restoration algorithm for band limited images that considers irregular (perturbed) sampling, denoising, and deconvolution. We explore the application of a family of regularizers that allow us to control the spectral behavior of the solution combined with the irregular to regular sampling algorithms proposed by Feichtinger, Gr{\"{o}}chenig, Rauth, and Strohmer. Moreover, the constraints given by the image acquisition model are incorporated as a set of local constraints. The analysis of such constraints leads to an early stopping rule meant to improve the speed of the algorithm. Finally, we present experiments focused on the restoration of satellite images, where the microvibrations are responsible of the type of distortions we are considering here. We will compare results of the proposed method with previous methods and show an extension to zoom.},
	Author = {Facciolo, Gabriele and Almansa, Andr{\'{e}}s and Aujol, Jean-Fran{\c{c}}ois and Caselles, Vicent},
	Doi = {10.1137/080719443},
	Issn = {1540-3459},
	Journal = {Multiscale Modeling {\&} Simulation},
	Keywords = {080719443,1,10,1137,65j20,65k10,68u10,94a08,a general image acquisition,ams subject classifications,by the,doi,image restoration,introduction,satellite images,system may be modeled,system may modeled,total variation,variational methods},
	Month = {jan},
	Number = {4},
	Pages = {1574--1608},
	Publisher = {SIAM},
	Title = {{Irregular to Regular Sampling, Denoising, and Deconvolution}},
	Volume = {7},
	Year = {2009},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
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