Anne Sabourin
Professor at Université Paris Cité, Université Paris Cité |
Main Responsibilities
Associate Editor for the journal Extremes
Project Coordinator of the ANR-PRC `EXSTA' project (2024-2029)
Coordinator of the Master's program MDA (Mathématiques, Données, Apprentissage / Mathematics, Data, Learning) at Université Paris Cité, Saint-Germain Campus.
- Co-coordinator of the program track IMB (Ingénierie Mathématique et Biostatistique / Mathematical engineering and biostatistics), with Antoine Marchina
Latest News and upcoming events
- August 2024: Oberwolfach Workshop, Mathematics, Statistics, and Geometry of Extreme Events in High Dimensions (co-organiser)
- August 2024: Presenting our work on Cross-Validation at Bernoulli-IMS' 11th world congress (invited).
- June 2024: ANR EXSTA's kick-off workshop
- May 2024: AISTATS 2024
- April 2024: Eurandom 25 Years! workshop
- April 2024: Welcome to Alexandre Mansire, starting a Master's insternship `Optimal transportation approaches to learning multivariate extreme quantiles' (co-supervised with Clément Dombry , Johan Segers)
- February 2024: Anass Aghbalou successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Anass!
- July 2023: Our ANR project EXSTA (EXtremes, Statistical learning and Application, which I coordinate) has been accepted.
01 76 53 03 66
anne.sabourin (AT)
Office : 732 - 0