Spatial Reasoning in the game of Go 1 Spatial Reasoning in the game of Go Bruno Bouzy LAFORIA-IBP Universit Paris 6 Tour 46 2me tage, 4, place Jussieu 75252 PARIS - FRANCE Tl.: 44 27 70 10 Fax: 44 27 70 00 Abstract This paper addresses Spatial Reasoning in the game of Go. Combinatorial complexity of the game of Go obliges the Computer Go community to study spatial representations of human players that are complex. These representations contain the concepts of grouping and fractioning. Spatial Reasoning in Go is qualitative. It creates objects and relationships between them in order to qualify them. This description of Spatial Reasoning in Go is a positive contribution to the SR community. Keywords Spatial Reasoning, Objects, Relationships, Game of Go. 1. Introduction Classical reasoning appears to be linked with Natural Language (NL) as human beings are obliged to use words to express their reasonings. NL has been growing between human beings in order to make them communicating, therefore the human body does not provide a communicating tool as efficient as NL is. But other kinds of reasoning exist: painting, drawing, calligraphy, spatial gesture, dance are good way to express spatial information. Such activities are reasoning activities even if words do not allow to reflect them (correctly or not at all). Spatial Reasoning (SR) opens new perspectives for the study of reasoning, showing that some kinds of reasoning do not depend much on NL. The purpose of the paper is to show such a kind of reasoning: SR in the game of Go1. The paper is structured as follows: Part 2 shows that beyond the first obstacle of combinatorial complexity, the main obstacle in Computer Go is spatial evaluation of positions and, therefore it shows the interest of the paper. Part 3 shows the SR model of Go. Part 3.1 shows the creation of relevant objects in Go positions and part 3.2 shows the SR about these objects using relationships between them. Before conclusion, part 4 gives practical results of the full Go playing program INDIGO [Bouzy1995b] that implements the model [Bouzy1995]. 2. Computer Go needs powerful Spatial Reasoning [Robson1982b] has shown that the problem of deciding whether Black (say) can force a win from a given Go position in Go generalized to NxN boards is theoretically of exponential in time. This result is exactly similar to results in other games like Chess [Fraenkel&Lichtenstein1981] and Checkers [Robson1982]. [Allis1994] defines combinatorial complexities of games as follow: E is the number of possible positions in Go and A is the whole game tree complexity. Considering the average length of actual games L and average branching factor B, we get A = BL. Literature on games and Human (H) versus Computer (C) results give the following table: Othello Chess Go2 E 364 1030 1043 3361 10172 A 1058 35801067 200250 10575 H v.C H>C These games get increasing complexity and seem to be correlated with Human versus Computer results. "Brute force" succeeds in Othello and Chess but not in Go. Therefore, Go is one of the most exciting challenge for AI [Bradley1979]. The best Go program is Goliath [Boon1991]. Our Go playing program is INDIGO [Bouzy1995b]. This previous combinatorial reasoning is approximative because one could argue that 7x7 Go is as complex as Othello. That is wrong: 7x7 Computer Go results are still very weak on the human scale while best Othello programs are much better than best human players. So, the complexity of Go is not due to the sisze of the board. One suppose that the complexity of Go is due to the spatial properties of Go positions. Computer Go needs powerful theories about Spatial Reasoning. Human Go players are much stronger than the computer. The human skill in Go is mainly due to the intuitive knowledge about space. Therefore, Go programmers must observe human Go players and mimic them. In this meaning, Go computational models are cognitive models. Experiments that have been done on Chess [Chase&Simon1973] have been done again on Go [Reitman1976]. The results are similar: experts use "chunks" that allow to overpass novice abilities on actual positions but not on random positions. In our thesis [Bouzy1995], we elaborated a cognitive model in order to uncover intuitive knowledge about real world. We studied in particular grouping, fractioning, closure, cercling and incrementality. 3. Spatial Representation and Spatial Reasoning in Go This part shows SR in the full Go playing program INDIGO. This program was the implementation of a cognitive model of Go players. This part uses a mathematical formalism and it is illustrated by examples. Figure 1 shows the start position. figure 1 3.1 Rules of the game In this paragraph, we show only the parts of the rules of the game of Go, that are necessary to understand parts 3.2 and 3.3. Board and intersections The game is played on a board that contains intersections of N vertical lines with N horizontal lines. Usually N=19. Let B be the set of intersections. Each intersection i has two coordinates. Let x(i) be the horizontal coordinate and y(i) be the vertical coordinate. Neighborhood of an intersection Each intersection i in B gets neighbours. Let up be the function defined as follows : j=up(i) is defined for y(i) means Positive and < means Negative. figure 5 Opponentship of a group Let us define the opponent neighborhood of a group x as the set that is defined as follows: Given two opponent groups x and y, we define a relationship R(x,y) that tells which group from x and y is the stronger one. R(x,y) depends of values E(x), E(y). To compute R(x,y), we use the following rules: Figure 6 shows the relationships between adjacent groups. figure 6 If all relationships R(x,y) are Negative, then opponentship is also Negative: If one interaction with its opponents is Fuzzy, then opponentship is also Fuzzy: Figure 7 shows opponentship of each group on the board. > means Positive, * means Fuzzy and < means Negative. figure 7 The fusion operator Classical closure operator of mathematical morphology [Serra1982] applies on objects with only one color. We use a generalization of this operator that manages objects with two colors and that smoothes the groups at a fixed scale. This generalization is described in [Bouzy1995]. Let us call it closure. Then we define the operator as a generalization of the operator. Let A and B be two closed sets, we get: . Death of a group When a group x gets O(x)=Negative, Go players say "the group is dead". Conceptually, a new group Y is created by fusion of the opponent groups around the group x: When Y is created, the set G of all the groups on the board also changed. A new iteration starts again on G. Figure 8 shows the new set of groups. figure 8 The group x is in the group Y. Objects that are built by SR can be composed of sub-objects. End SR ends when no group with Negative opponentship is detected. Then, E(B) is computed. 4. Implementation, results and discussion. 4.1. Implementation - Results in practice. The Go playing software INDIGO is an implementation of this model with C++ code and specific diagrammatic language (500 rules). INDIGO is ranked 4th upon 7 on the 19x19 Computer Go Ladder [Pettersen1994] and 8th upon 11 on the 9x9 ladder. It has been developped in two years between fall of 1991 and spring 1994 in connection with the cognitive model that we built. 4.2. Discussion In this paragraph, we link SR in Go with other fields of the SR community in order to initiate an interdisciplinary dialogue. Mereology Our work is an illustration of mereology [Lesniewski1927-31]. First, our system deals much with part-of relationships. An intersection is part of a string, that is part of a group. The whole board is composed with fractions. Second, we defined two fusion operators: and that are very useful to build objects. Using terminology about contacts described in [Aurnague&Vieu1995], we see that the new object z that is created with the fusion operator using the dead group x and the opponents groups y, is composed of sub-objects that are parts of it. The contacts between the dead group x and the opponent groups y are weak before the fusion but become a strong contact after it. In the general case, the contacts between opponent groups whose states are not Negative can be seen as a weak contacts. Qualitative reasoning and quantitative reasoning in Go The part of SR that is presented in this paper is qualitative. But another part of SR in Go is quantitative. At the move decision level, succeeding to reach a goal on an object of size N gives a value of N times the value of succeeding to reach a goal on an object of size 1. Propositional versus diagrammatic reasoning In our model, SR uses diagrammatic formalism (see patterns of the elementary level) or propositional formalism (see the iterative level). Connection between SR in Go and NL Our system builds a semantic net. With this information, it would be possible to make our system explaining in NL its way of playing. It would be an illustration of the new topic of integration of NL and vision. [Herskovits1986] has hown that spatial prepositions are crucial in spatial discoures understanding even if it is difficult to model them. The main prepositions that are used in comments in Go are: 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'middle', 'edge', 'corner', 'in', 'touch', 'cercled'. This will be the subject of another paper. GIS The CBM [Clementini&DeFelice1995] uses five operators. Let us see which one are used in our work. touch operator: yes (contacts of mereology). in operator: yes (after a fusion operation, a group is in another one). cross operator : yes (a group is crossing the fraction of opposite color that contains it). overlapoperator: yes (two fractions of opposite color are overlapping each other). disjoint operator: yes (two different groups). boundary for an area : yes (the dilation - identity operator). boundary for a line : no (distinction between line and area is not useful in Go). So most of operators of CBM are sound for our Go model. In our model, the following operators are also useful : the closure operator and the cercling operator. Perhaps, they could be also useful in GIS. CM Our model is structured in levels as general CM are. In this paper, we focused only on the "iterative object" level. Other levels are described in [Bouzy1995]. Our "iterative object" level corresponds to "conceptual spatial object level" in [McMaster&Barnet1993] and to "geometrical level" in [Aurnague&Vieu1995]. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we show SR in the game of Go. Complexity of this game is high enough to forbid combinatorial approach and actual results between the man and the computer oblige to study human SR. Our work about Go was presented in a mathematical formalism. We defined objects that are familiar to our intuition: groups and fractions. We used operators such as fusion, overlap, touch, in, proximity, cercling and closure. We have shown how SR in Go allows to evaluate the whole board. Our program uses this model when it plays full games of Go. It is ranked on the international computer Go ladder. Therefore a computational model of SR is very useful in a Go playing program. In showing a kind of SR where words are not so important, we hope that this description will be a positive contribution to the Spatial Reasoning community. 6. Bibliography [Allis1994] - Allis L. V. - Searching for Solutions in Games and Artificial Intelligence - PhThesis - Vrije Universitat Amsterdam - Maastricht. [Aurnague&Vieu1995] - Aurnague M. and Vieu L. - Semantics an Pragmatics of Natural Language: Logical and Computational Aspects. - ILCLI Series, 1, pp. 69-126 - Donostia (San Sebastian), Spain - 1995. [Boon1991] - M. Boon - Overzicht van de ontwikkeling van een Go spelend programma - Afstudeer scriptie informatica onder begeleiding van prof. J. Bergstra. [Bouzy1995] - B. Bouzy - Modlisation du joueur de Go - Thse de doctorat d'informatique de l'universit Paris 6 [Bouzy.1995b] - Bouzy B. - The INDIGO program - Proceedings of the 2nd Game Programming Workshop in Japan - pp.191-200.- Kanagawa1995. 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