
The computer science department of Université Paris Cité, Laboratory of Informatics Paris Descartes (LIPADE), belongs to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. With its more than 60 members, LIPADE forms a vibrant and international research environment. It is carrying out theoretical and applied research in the areas of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, machine learning, computer vision and image processing, networks, databases and data analytics. Its members are actively participating in European and French research projects, as well as in collaborations with the industry.

The LIPADE Open Day is an annual event, which aims to open the doors of the department to external visitors, showcase the research work being carried out by the students and professors of the department, host invited researchers, and foster a fruitful discussion and exchange of ideas on the current challenges in computer science.

Event Location

Room Turing, 7th floor Université Paris Cité - LIPADE 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris

Public transport

M4 – Saint Germain des Prés
M10/12 – Sèvres Babylone


Please register (for free) before 6 June 2023 by sending an email to Nicolas Loménie (

Registration is for logistics reasons, and includes coffee breaks and lunch buffet.


Nicolas Loménie
Themis Palpanas

Keynote talks

  • Prof Vagelis Papalexakis (University of California Riverside)
  • Alexis Tsoukiàs (DR, CNRS, LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine)
  • Technical Program

    June 15, 2023
    9h15-9h30 Opening: Florence Cloppet (Co-Head of LIPADE)
    Keynote talk
    Session Chair: Thémis Palpanas (Head of LIPADE)

    10h30-11h00 Coffee break (buffet)
    11h-12h30 Session:
    Session chair: Hassine Moungla (DAI and SOCS)

    12h30-13h30 Lunch break (buffet)
    13h30-14h30 Student Poster Session
    Keynote talk
    Session Chair: Nicole Vincent

    15h30-16h00 Coffee break (buffet)
    16h-17h30 Session: SIP and diNO
    Session chair: Nicolas Loménie et Sylvain Lobry

    • Flora Weissgerber (ONERA - Département traitement de l’information et systèmes / Image Vision Apprentissage) / SIP guest

      SAR and Optical Remote Sensing for Landcover characterization

    • Qinghe Zeng (Université Paris Cité) / SIP PhD student

      Deep learning predicts gene expression related to immunotherapy sensitivity

    • Qitong Wang (Université Paris Cité) / diNo PhD student

      What can Machine Learning Do for Data Series Similarity?

    17h30 Closing: Thémis Palpanas and Florence Cloppet (Head and Co-Head of LIPADE)
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