Title: "What is a decision problem"? Axiomatic, algorithmic and pragmatic considerations Abstract: In this talk we present a general framework through which decision problems are defined without any reference on resolution methods, but on simple axioamtic grounds. We show that the archetypes of decision problems are finite and that construcing a set of alternatives in order to make a decision is itself a decision problem. We show what is the impact of such a framework from a pragmatic point of view. Bio: Alexis Tsoukiàs is a CNRS research director in computer science at LAMSADE, PSL, Université Paris Dauphine. He is a formet vice-president of the French Operational Research Society, and former president of the European Association for Operational Research. He was the director of LAMSADE for 7 years and served the Research Adminsitration for several years also. He teaches and practices Decision Analysis essentially for public policy support and design. Has been the coordinator of many National and European projects, initiated the Algorithmic Decision Theory community as well as the Policy Analytics one. He is coordinator of the MAster in Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies of Université Paris Dauphine.