Title: Beyond AI-Assisted Networking: Explainable Network Intelligence (NetXAI) Abstract: The blending of network connectivity and advanced computing capabilities, both in the cloud as well as at the network edge, paves the way to the advent of self-driving networks, thanks to a comprehensive and data-rich view of the underlying network components. While the current AI-assisted cloud-native architecture already empowers operators to automate part of the network task, challenges remain to more systematically exploit AI in networks. In particular, the talk will emphasize need for explainability capabilities (XAI), and walkthrough over a gallery of XAI methods on the concrete networking use-case of traffic classification, including recent work that will appear at KDD'23. Bio: Dario Rossi (https://nonsns.github.io) is a Senior Expert in Huawei, currently serving as Director of AI4NET Lab and Director of the DataCom Lab at the Huawei Paris Research Center. He holds an HDR from UPMC, and PhD and MSc degrees from Politecnico di Torino. Before joining Huawei in 2018, he held Full Professor positions at Telecom Paris and Ecole Polytechnique and was holder of Cisco’s Chair NewNet@Paris. He chaired and participated in the steering and technical program committees of 50+ conferences (incl. IEEE INFOCOM, ACM CoNEXT and ACM SIGCOMM) and in the editorial board of 5 journals (incl. several IEEE Transactions). He has coauthored 15 patents and over 200 papers in leading conferences and journals, that attracted over 7000 citations, received 9 best paper awards, a Google Faculty Research Award (2015) and an IRTF Applied Network Research Prize (2016). He is a Senior Member of IEEE and ACM.