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Michele Linardi Ph.D. - University Paris Descartes - diNo team
As you set out for Ithaka hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery...
Itaca - Konstantinos Kavafis


I was a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at University Paris Descartes. My research topic concerns the Data series management and analystics. In a world where complex Big Data Analysis need to deal with Data Sequences, we study and reasearch the possibility to provide new smart techniques for extracting knowledge from this kind of data. Our goal is clear and well defined: provide fast Data Driven discovery which is feasible only if fast query techniques are available.

Nowadays all the scietific domains are sourrended by the Data Deluge and this is one of the main reason why the current state-of-the-art data series (indexing and query) technqiues fail. Our motto but even more concretely our goal is: Analytics in minutes/seconds not in days/hours. As a Ph.D. student, I had the pleasure to work every day with my supervisor Professor Themis Palpanas.

Publications and Projects

My dblp entry is here. My google scholar page is here.


What is not science, but makes the science happens. TBD

Contact Me

The easiest way to contact me is to send an email to michele[dot]linardi[at]orange[dot]fr