I was a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at University Paris Descartes. My research topic concerns the Data series management and analystics. In a world where complex Big Data Analysis need to deal with Data Sequences, we study and reasearch the possibility to provide new smart techniques for extracting knowledge from this kind of data. Our goal is clear and well defined: provide fast Data Driven discovery which is feasible only if fast query techniques are available.
Nowadays all the scietific domains are sourrended by the Data Deluge and this is one of the main reason why the current state-of-the-art data series (indexing and query) technqiues fail. Our motto but even more concretely our goal is: Analytics in minutes/seconds not in days/hours. As a Ph.D. student, I had the pleasure to work every day with my supervisor Professor Themis Palpanas.
Here follow the main steps about my past experience. This is an extract of my CV.
If you are interested in having a copy of my complete CV please send me an email (michele[dot]linardi[at]orange.fr).
It will be a pleasure to send it to you. (It is available in Italian, English and French)
From 1 October 2018 to 30 September 2019
I was an assistant lecturer and researcher (ATER) at IUT Paris Descartes.
I taugth in several courses (lab): Software Engineering, Databases, Networking.
From 1 October 2015 to 21 August 2019
I was a Ph.D student of Prof. Themis Palpanas at University Paris Descartes.
Thesis: Variable-Length Similarity Search for Very Large Data Series: Subsequence Matching, Motif and Discord Detection
From February to September 2015
During this experience I worked with Prof. Angela Bonifati at Inria Lille (France). The topics of the reserach were: Data Exchange, Relation Schema Mappings, Data Integration.
September 2012 - December 2014s
After spending 1 year in Trento - Italy (academic year 2012/2013) at University of Trento and 1 year in Pisa - Italy at Scuola Superiore S.Anna (academic year 2013/2014). The 19th December 2014 I received:
I obtained them after the defense of the Thesis: ULISSE - Ultra compact iSAX Index for Variable-Length Queries on Data Series.
September 2009 - September 2012
In September 2012 I received my Bachelor Degreee in Computer Science
The title of the Thesis was: Motif Discovery in Electroencephalograph Data.
From October 2006 to March 2012
During this experience I worked at Edizioni Erickson (Publishing House) Trento - Italy as a Software Developer. From November 2006 to November 2009 as an employee and for the remaining period I contributed as a freelancer.