Pavlos Moraitis



        Paris City University





Professional Activities


Ph.D. Students









Contact Information


Prof. Pavlos Moraitis


University of Paris City

45 rue des Saints-Peres

75270 Paris Cedex 06

Email: first_name

Phone: (+33) 1 76 53 02 85


I am a Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Paris City University (France). I have been director of the Laboratory of Informatics Paris Descartes (LIPADE) for the period 2009-2019. I am head of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Group and director of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) Master degree. My academic degrees include a Diploma in Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (or National Metsovion Polytechnic), a M.Sc. in Computer Science, a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and an Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Habilitation for Research Supervising) in Artificial Intelligence, all from the Paris Dauphine University (France). Before starting my academic career I held a consulting engineer position with Capgemini, a leading software advisory company.

I was scientific responsible of the work involving agent technology in several European and industrial projects and I have collaborated for several years with software (SingularLogic-Greece) and industrial (THALES-France) companies on the application of agent technology in real world applications. Since May 2019 I am co-founder and CEO of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) startup ARGUMENT THEORY (AT) supported by ERGANEO, a French investment company that specializes in disruptive innovations.

ARGUMENT THEORY offers the rAIson platform, a no-code symbolic artificial intelligence (AI) development platform specializing in the modeling and development of automated decision-making systems. The technology behind the rAIson platform is based on computational argumentation, a modern approach to (Symbolic) Artificial Intelligence, an AI with reasoning and behavioral capabilities similar to that of a human. Argument Theory will open the rAIson platform to the public soon...

I was an elected member of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Multi-Agent Systems (EURAMAS) (2012-2018), co-founder of the International Workshop Series on “Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems” (and co-chair of the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 12th edition of this Workshop), general chair and co-organizer of the 8th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS'10) and finance chair of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'14). I also served as program committee member in numerous international conferences and as reviewer in several international journals.


Research Interests

My research activity concerns both theoretical and applied research in the field of Artificial Intelligence and more particularly in the area of Intelligent (Software or Robotic) Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. My main research interests include: Computational Argumentation, Automated Negotiation, Agent Dialogues, Multi-Agent Planning, Coalition Formation for Task Allocation Problems, Automated (Distributed) Decision-Making, Agent Oriented Software Engineering.