University of Paris

  • Co-author Book : Co-clustering

  • Associate Editor Journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)

  • Head of Master Miage Mention Paris Descartes

  • President of Société Francophone de Classification

  • Research Interests: Machine Learning, AI, Data Science, Unsupervised Learning, Mixture models, Latent block models, Coclustering, Factorization, Text Mining, Bioinformatics, Collaborative Filtering

  • DBLP

Recent Member of Program Committees/Reviewer

International/National Conferences

International Journals

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)

  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)

  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)

  • Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)

  • Pattern Recognition (PR)

  • Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA)

  • Statistics and Computing (SC)

  • IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)

Teaching and Master MLDS

  • Co-clustering under diffirent approaches (Master 2 Machine Learning for Data Science Master-MLDS)

  • Diemensionality Reduction (Master 2 Machine Learning for Data Science Master-MLDS)

  • Mixture Model-based Clustering (Master 2 Machine Learning for Data Science Master-MLDS)

  • Data Science I, II (Master 1 in Computer Science-MLDS)

  • Traitement Numérique de données (Licence 3 in Computer Science)

Recent Projects

  • Research Contract with Thales: Hybridation d'algorithmes d'IA avec des connaissances métier pour le transport ferroviaire (since 2019)

  • Research Contract with Brigad: Apprentissage profond pour la prédiction de l'attrition (since 2019)

  • Research Contract with Trinov: Apprentissage non supervisé pour une meilleure gestion des dechets (2017-2020)

  • Research Contract with Kernix: Co-clustering à grande échelle pour l’analyse statique et dynamique de sites Web (2016-2020)

  • Research Contract with Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann in Luxembourg: Fouille visuelle et interactive de flux d'événements (2014-2018)

  • Project IDEX EDAGWAS: Exploratory Data Analysis for Genome-wide Association Studies (2013-2016)

  • Research Contract with Airbus in Toulouse: Advanced Data Mining Techniques for Prognostic and Health Management (2013-2016)

  • ANR Project ClasSel: Co-clustering and Model Selection (2009-2012)
