University of Paris
Professor in Machine Learning
Head of the "Machine Learning for Data Science" Team
Director of the "Machine Learning for Data Science" Master
Centre BORELLI, University de Paris
45, rue des Saints Pères, 75270, Paris -
Tel : (+33) (0)1 76 53 03 08
Office : 705 O
Co-author Book : Co-clustering
Associate Editor Journal Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)
Head of Master Miage Mention Paris Descartes
President of Société Francophone de Classification
Research Interests: Machine Learning, AI, Data Science, Unsupervised Learning, Mixture models, Latent block models, Coclustering, Factorization, Text Mining, Bioinformatics, Collaborative Filtering
Recent Member of Program Committees/Reviewer
International/National Conferences
International Journals
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (ADAC)
Pattern Recognition (PR)
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA)
Statistics and Computing (SC)
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)
Teaching and Master MLDS
Co-clustering under diffirent approaches (Master 2 Machine Learning for Data Science Master-MLDS)
Diemensionality Reduction (Master 2 Machine Learning for Data Science Master-MLDS)
Mixture Model-based Clustering (Master 2 Machine Learning for Data Science Master-MLDS)
Data Science I, II (Master 1 in Computer Science-MLDS)
Traitement Numérique de données (Licence 3 in Computer Science)
Current Phd-Students
Recent Phd-Students
Recent Projects
Research Contract with Thales: Hybridation d'algorithmes d'IA avec des connaissances métier pour le transport ferroviaire (since 2019)
Research Contract with Brigad: Apprentissage profond pour la prédiction de l'attrition (since 2019)
Research Contract with Trinov: Apprentissage non supervisé pour une meilleure gestion des dechets (2017-2020)
Research Contract with Kernix: Co-clustering à grande échelle pour l’analyse statique et dynamique de sites Web (2016-2020)
Research Contract with Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann in Luxembourg: Fouille visuelle et interactive de flux d'événements (2014-2018)
Project IDEX EDAGWAS: Exploratory Data Analysis for Genome-wide Association Studies (2013-2016)
Research Contract with Airbus in Toulouse: Advanced Data Mining Techniques for Prognostic and Health Management (2013-2016)
ANR Project ClasSel: Co-clustering and Model Selection (2009-2012)