Homepage of Rémy Abergel
Source codes and examples
- Total Variation Restoration of Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise with Iterated Conditional Expectations, software in C language , published version , revised preprint .
- CPSAR-Tools (Complex Pseudo-raw SAR Image Processing Toolbox), software in C language (including independent MATLAB Mex interface) , published version , revised preprint .
- The Shannon total variation (software in C , in Matlab , published version , preprint )
- Fast and accurate evaluation of a generalized incomplete gamma function (software in C language , revised preprint ).
- ASTRE/CUTASTRE A contrario point tracking algorithms (C langage)
Tutorials about total variation based image processing (Scilab)
- Basic tools for manipulating the total variation (Legendre-Fenchel-Rockafellar duality)
- Restoration of images corrupted with Gaussian noise (the Rudin, Osher and Fatemi model)
- Inverse problems with quadratic data fidelity (deconvolution, zoom, spectrum extrapolation)
- Minimizing the total variation under affine constraints (inpainting, zoom, spectrum extrapolation)