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Paris Descartes University Seminar Series on Data Analytics Invited Seminar Talk |
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Prof Demetris Zeinalipour, University of Cyprus (Cyprus) when: 17 July 2019, 3pm where: room Turing Reunion, 7th floor, Paris Descartes University, 45 Rue Des Saints Peres, Paris 75006 Abstract A Telecommunication company (Telco) is traditionally only perceived as the entity that provides telecommunication services, such as telephony and data communication access to users. However, the radio and backbone infrastructure of such entities spanning densely most urban spaces and widely most rural areas, provides nowadays a unique opportunity to collect immense amounts of data that capture a variety of natural phenomena on an ongoing basis, e.g., traffic, commerce, mobility patterns and emergency response. In this talk, I will present a novel decaying operator for Telco Big Data (TBD), coined TBD-DP (Data Postdiction). Unlike data prediction, which aims to make a statement about the future value of some tuple, our formulated data postdiction term, aims to make a statement about the past value of some tuple, which doesn't exist anymore as it had to be deleted to free up disk space. TBD-DP relies on existing Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to abstract TBD into compact models that can be stored and queried when necessary. Our proposed TBD-DP operator has the following two conceptual phases: (i) in an offline phase, it utilizes a LSTM-based hierarchical ML algorithm to learn a tree of models (coined TBD-DP tree) over time and space; (ii) in an online phase, it uses the TBD-DP tree to recover data within a certain accuracy. In our experimental setup we measure the efficiency of the proposed operator using a 10GB anonymized real telco network trace and our experimental results in Tensorflow over HDFS are extremely encouraging as they show that TBD-DP saves an order of magnitude storage space while maintaining a high accuracy on the recovered data. Short Bio Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus, where he leads the Data Management Systems Laboratory (DMSL). His primary research interests include Data Management in Computer Systems and Networks, particularly Mobile and Sensor Data Management; Big Data Management in Parallel and Distributed Architectures; Spatio-Temporal Data Management; Network and Telco Data Management; Crowd, Web 2.0 and Indoor Data Management; Data Privacy Management. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California - Riverside (2005). Before his current appointment, he served the University of Cyprus as an Assistant Professor and Lecturer but also the Open University of Cyprus as a Lecturer. He has held visiting research appointments at Akamai Technologies, Cambridge, MA, USA, the University of Athens, Greece, the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA and the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrcken, Germany. He is a Humboldt Fellow, Marie-Curie Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Speaker (2017-2020), a Senior Member of ACM, a Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of USENIX. He serves on the editorial board of Distributed and Parallel Databases (Elsevier), Big Data Research (Springer) and is an independent evaluator for the European Commission (Marie Skodowska-Curie and COST actions). His h-index is 24, holds over 2600 citations, has an Erds number of 3, won 10 international awards (ACMD17, ACMS16, IEEES16, HUMBOLDT16, IPSN14, EVARILOS14, APPCAMPUS13, MDM12, MC07, CIC06) and delivered over 30 invited talks. He has participated in over 20 projects funded by the US National Science Foundation, by the European Commission, the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, the Univ. of Cyprus, the Open University of Cyprus and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. Finally, he has also been involved in industrial Research and Development projects (e.g., Finland, Taiwan and Cyprus) and has technically lead several mobile data management services (e.g., Anyplace, Rayzit and Smartlab) reaching over 35K users worldwide with over 140K sessions. For more information please visit: https://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/~dzeina/ or the DMSL website: https://dmsl.cs.ucy.ac.cy/. Hosted by: Themis Palpanas List of past seminars |