



Pages personnelles

Publi Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture
  1. Azencott R., Chalmond B., Graffigne C., Maître H., Prenat M., Roux M.
    Contextual performance prediction for low-level image analysis algorithms
    IEEE Image Processing, Vol. 10, pages 1039-1046, 2001.
  2. Wang J., Trubuil A., Graffigne C., Kaeffer B.
    3D aggregated object detection and labeling from multivariate confocal microscopy images: a model validation approach
    IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics, Vol. 33 (4), pages 572-581, 2003.

Communications avec actes
  1. Graffigne C., Richard F.
    Mise en correspondance d’images mammographiques
    Congrès d’analyse numérique, pages 1, France, 2000.
  2. Graffigne C., Richard F.
    An image-matching model for the registration of temporal or bilateral mammogram pairs
    In Proc. of the International Workshop on Digital Mammography, pages 756-762, Toronto, Canada, 2000.
  3. Graffigne C., Wang J., Trubuil A.
    Détection d'objets 3D coalescents en microscopie confocale
    Colloque du GRETSI'01, pages 1, Toulouse, France, 2001.
  4. Graffigne C., Wang J., Trubuil A.
    3D biological object detection and labeling in multidimensional microscopy imaging
    International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2001), pages 215-220, Palermo, Italie, 2001.
  5. Graffigne C., Wang J., Trubuil A., Kaeffer B.
    Model-based 3D object detection from multivariate confocal microscopy images
    International Conference on Image Processing, pages 1, Rochester, États-Unis d'Amérique, 2002.
  6. M. Chakchouk, S. Sevestre, C. Graffigne, M. Jaïdane, H. Rajhi, R. Hamza.
    Reconstruction 3D de sténoses par modélisation markovienne à partir de plus de deux images d’angiographie rotative par rayons X.
    Acte du 20e Colloque, 6-9 septembre, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique (4 pages), 2005,
  7. Bouhlel N., Sevestre-Ghalila S., Graffigne C.
    New Markov Random Field Model based on Nakagami distribution for modelling ultrasound RF envelope
    14th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIOCO 2006, Florence.
  8. Bouhlel N., Sevestre-Ghalila S., Jaidane M., Graffigne C.
    Ultrasound Backscatter characterization by using Markov random field model
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2006, Vol. 2, pages 1124-1127, Toulouse, France, 2006.
  9. M. Chakchouk, S. Sevestre, C. Graffigne
    Volume X-Ray Forward Projection Using Adaptive Kernel Estimation Framework.
    Proceeding of the 9th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, July 9 - 13, Lindau, Germany, 2007.
  10. M. Chakchouk, S. Sevestre, C. Graffigne
    The Benefit of a Kernel Estimate Based Forward Projection for Iterative Tomographic Reconstruction Techniques.
    Proceeding of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 23-26, Lyon, France, 2007.
