$$ \def\NN{{\mathbb N}} $$
$$ \def\RR{{\mathbb R}} $$
$$ \def\CC{{\mathbb C}} $$
$$ \def\ZZ{{\mathbb Z}} $$
$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\dom}{dom} $$
$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\TV}{TV} $$
$$ \def\STV{\mathrm{STV}} $$
$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} $$
$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\TVani}{{TV}^\text{ani}} $$
$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\HTValpha}{{HTV}_\alpha} $$
$$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\divergence}{div} $$
$$ \newcommand\RRRR[1]{\RR^{#1} \times \RR^{#1}} $$

Homepage of Rémy Abergel

University Paris Cité (Department of Mathematics and Informatics)

  • Responsible of a full M2 course about Inverse Problems and their applications to Image Processing: 2018-19 (30h), 2019-20 (30h), 2020-21 (30h), 2022-23 (30h), 2023-24 (30h).
  • M1 students project supervision (sub-pixel image processing): 2019-20 (6h);

I.U.T. Paris Descartes (Department of Informatics)

First year students (equivalent L1)

  • Numerical Analysis (supervised practical work sessions): 2013-14 (21h), 2019-20 (7.5h), 2020-21 (7.5h), 2021-22 (7.5h);
  • Languages and Grammar (supervised practical work sessions): 2018-19 (21h), 2019-20 (10.5h), 2020-21 (10.5h);
  • Graphs (supervised practical work sessions): 2018-19 (21h), 2021-22 (10.5h);
  • Formal logic (supervised practical work sessions): 2013-14 (21h), 2014-15 (21h), 2015-16 (21h);
  • Linear algebra (courses in small class including Scilab seances): 2013-14 (21h), 2014-15 (21h).

Second year students (equivalent L2)

  • Optimisation methods (in charge of the full course, lectures + supervised practical work sessions) : 2022-23 (25.5h), 2023-24 (25.5h);
  • Student project supervision (example of treated subjects: image edge detection, random number generators, automatons and languages): 2014-15 (10.5h), 2015-16 (10.5h);
  • Markov chains based Page Rank algorithm (Scilab seance): 2014-15 (3h);
  • Numerical modelisation (course in small class about Lotka Volterra equations): 2014-15 (10.5h), 2015-16 (10.5h).


  • Introduction to Game Theory (in charge of the full course), 25 hours, main topics: games modelling, finding Nash equilibria for zero-sum games, simplex algorithm): 2019-20 (25h), 2020-21 (25h), 2021-22 (25h).

Master of Mathematics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning (MVA Master)

  • MVA M2 students project supervision (SAR image processing): 2019-20;
  • MVA M2 course (one lecture in the course Sub-pixel image processing of Pr. Lionel Moisan): 2019-20 (1.5h), 2020-21 (2h), 2023-24 (2h).