Combinatorial Inference in Geometric Data Analysis

Full and SPAD-interfaced R scripts
  version française

The full R scripts allow you to execute the methods presented in the book by using only R software. Each ZIP file contains 3 scripts ("main", "parameters" and "core"), data files and a user guide.

The SPAD-interfaced R scripts, which are given hereafter, allow you to execute the methods in a user-friendly way by using SPAD software.

	To use the Spad-interfaced R scripts, begin by the installation of the R software independantly of the SPAD software.
	To use the Plug-in, install and set up the SPADR library provided with SPAD software; to this end; 
	   	go to the "Tools/Preferences" menu and choose the "Scripts/R Script" item,
		then, proceed to the setting of parameters of SPAD and of R libraries,
		finally, define the directory in which the interfaced R scripts have been registered.